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East Side Youth is a ministry for 6th-12th grade students that aims to exalt Jesus Christ, offering youth hope and the opportunity to experience abundant life through the grace and belonging found in Him.


You Belong Here!



Sundays / 9:15AM / Student Ministries Center

Each week is an opportunity to gather for interactive, discussion-based consideration of Scripture, faith, and navigating life as a follower of Christ.


We gather together at 6:30PM (after a free time of games and fellowship beginning at 6:00PM) to play a group game, worship together, hear a message about the Bible, and journey together in small groups. Our Wednesday gatherings wrap up at 8:00PM.

Questions? We'd love to answer them!

Did we miss something? Feel free to contact us.


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Stay connected. See what's been happening in the lives of our Youth. Follow East Side Youth on Instagram.

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Contact Us

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Keep up to date on what's happening at East Side

Sundays on Campus and Online at 9:15 and 10:45AM

Serve with East Side Youth

Young people need adults in their lives who love Jesus and like to hang out with them. You can make an impact in a teenager's life by helping create a place for them to belong, listening to their stories and pointing them to Jesus.

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