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Moving into the New Year

Carol Bull

…to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace.

--Luke 1:79

As you take down the lights, pack up the ornaments, and try to get back to some semblance of a balanced diet, what will you take with you from this Christmas season?

The fact that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us?

The idea of the King of glory trading in His heavenly dwelling and being born to a teenager in the lowliest of circumstances?

The awe of the shepherds who were never the same after encountering the angel of the Lord accompanied by the heavenly host?

The abundant provision for Joseph and Mary through the gifts the wise men brought?

Mary’s unassuming way of accepting Gabriel’s message that she will give birth to the Son of God?

I hope you will treasure up all these things and ponder them in your heart this new year with a fresh sense of wonder that Emmanuel is God with you.

There are so many unconventional ways that God chose to work throughout these events, meditating on any one of them would certainly be a faith-building experience.

The one that has been resonating with me the last few years is the way Mary responds to the angel Gabriel when he gives her the news that she is highly favored and has been chosen to bring Jesus into the world. Rather than acting on the shock she must have felt and trying to get out of this overwhelming assignment, she asks one simple question, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?" Upon hearing his answer, she affirms her acceptance, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.”

What peace would be ours if we responded to life this way? What if, instead of overthinking and letting anxiety wash over us in the face of uncertainty, we bring our honest, heartfelt questions to God and humbly allow Him to lead us where He will?

When something dark and ominous is on my horizon, I want to say, "Lord, how can I possibly handle this situation?" and, "Holy Spirit, will you empower me to meet this task with grace and wisdom?" and, finally, "Father, I am yours. I recognize that your way is better than mine, and I honor your will. Be glorified in this."

As we head into 2025, may you experience the peace that comes from having brought your concerns to God, knowing that He hears you and loves you more than you can imagine, and accepting His direction with a heart like Mary's.

For Reflection

What situation can you set before the Lord today? Can you hear His response that He is with you and that nothing is impossible with Him? May you experience a renewed sense of purpose and mission as you lean into the direction He provides.

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